independent international school
Child Protection at IIS
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Child Protection at IIS

The IIS Child Protection Policy is based on international law and on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child of which Saudi Arabia is a signatory. The two key articles we wish to draw your attention to are:

Article 19 - Protection from abuse and neglect

articulates full respect for the human dignity and physical and personal integrity of children as rights-bearing individuals. This requires a paradigm shift of caregiving and protection away from the perception of children primarily as victims.

sets out a comprehensive prohibition on all forms of violence towards children and enjoins State Parties to take all form all measures available to enforce this right.

All violence towards children is prohibited, frequency or severity of harm need not be demonstrated and violence is defined broadly to encompass all forms of violence towards children, personal, social and institutional, including physical and emotional harm as well as neglect, maltreatment, sexual abuse, and abandonment;

Article 34 - Sexual exploitation

While academics, professionals, and advocacy groups for the prevention of sexual violence and abuse all agree that sex education and tools for the prevention of gender violence need to start at an early age, very little is being done towards protecting vulnerable children from sexual bullying, gender violence, and sexual assault between fellow students when at school, on the sports field, or during after-school hours.

By enrolling your child at IIS schools, you agree to work in partnership with the schools and abide the policies adopted by the IIS Board. All of us at IIS want you to know that we genuinely value our partnership with you in providing for the safety and care of your children. It is for this reason that IIS has endorsed this Child Protection Policy which define the standards by which all IIS students should be treated with respect and dignity at all times.