independent international school
The School Day
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The School Day

The regular school day is 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Students are largely bussed to and from school by compound/private transportation.

Abentee Procedure

Regular attendance is important to your child’s progress. Please keep early dismissals, tardiness and absences to a minimum. Please notify the classroom teacher and the school office by 8:30 am to report your child’s absence.

Our parent-school partnership is essential for your child’s success in school. Family holidays and non-medical absences should be kept to a minimum to ensure continuity of student learning. For unavoidable planned absences, advance notification in writing is required. It is the student’s responsibility to make up all work missed due to absence. Teachers are not expected to make special arrangements or give advance assignments for any student who is absent due to truancy or family vacation.

Leaving Early or Coming Late during the School Day 

Situations occasionally arise in which a student must leave school during the school day. Please send an email to the classroom teacher and the school office informing us of the time you plan to pick up your child. As we have accepted the responsibility for your child during school hours, we require that parents notify the school office prior to the student’s departure. In the case of an emergency, please call the school to inform us of the pick-up time. 

A student leaving school during the day must sign out through the office and must be picked up there by either a parent or authorized adult, such as an identified driver. Upon returning, they must sign in again. If a student arrives to school late, they are required to sign in at the front office. It is essential that they do this for us to know who is on campus in case of any unforeseen emergency.